Please fill out as completely as possible. Fields marked with "*" are required. Please use a separate form for each ASN.
ASN * (in format: AS31142)
Address (Street and Number)
Address (Postal Code and City)
Main Contact Person (First and Last Name)
Personal Email Address of Contact Person *
NOC Email Address
Email Address for Invoices
Order Reference
AS-Macro IPv4
IPv4 Max-Prefix Limit
KleyReX IPv4 (will be assigned)
Peers with Route Server Please selectYesNo
IPv4-PTR (only possible for >100M Peering Service)
IPv6 Please selectYesNo
AS-Macro IPv6
IPv6 Max-Prefix Limit
KleyReX IPv6 (will be assigned)
Peering Contact Email
24/7 NOC Phone
Website URL
Physical KleyReX Port / Access via Reseller (please describe)
Interface (if own physical port) Please select1G RJ45 Copper10G Singlemode 131010G Multimode 850100G Singlemode100G Multimodeother
Location of Interconnection
MAC Address BGP Router (if known)
Peering Bandwidth for ASN Please select100M250M1G2.5G10G25G40G50G100G
KleyReX ports are generally free of charge; costs according to the price list only apply for Peering Services >100M. Costs for in-house interconnections between participant and KleyReX switch are borne by the participant.
I have taken notice of the privacy policy. I consent to my details and data being collected and stored electronically in order to respond to my inquiry. Note: You can revoke your consent at any time for the future by e-mail to
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